CUCP DBE (#38506)
California DGS SB (#1523444)
Alameda County SLEB
Alameda CTC LSB
City of Pleasanton License (#104606)

Duns Code: 831851121
Primary NAICS Codes: 518210 Data process; 541330 Traffic Engineering Service; 541614 Transportation Management Consulting Services; 541620 Environmental Consulting Services; 541690 Security consulting services; 541710 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences; 561621 Security system monitoring services; 519130 Internet Broadcasting;
541921 Video; 423410 Video Surveillance;812922 Parking Lots -
Work Codes: C8610 Speed Monitoring Station; C8700 Consultant, Non-Engineering; C8703 Traffic Engineer; C8710 Engineering; I7370 Computer & Data Processing Services; I7371 Computer